kali download guide in flash


Katılımcı Üye
5 Tem 2020
in Turkey
In this guide. we will cover the permanent installation of Kali Linux operating system on any USB stick or external disk. In this way, we will be able to easily switch to Kali Linux via the boot option on a computer with Windows without losing any data.

Before proceeding with the installation, let's keep the necessary software and hardware ready.

• Download Rufus (to burn our Kali Linux iso file to the drive) Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

• Download Mini Tool Partion (for partitioning) Best Free Partition Manager for Windows | MiniTool Partition Wizard Free

• Download Kali Linux iso file Get Kali | Kali Linux

• Flash Memory (Minimum 16gb) maybe 8 your proferty :)

step one
First of all after plugging our memory into our computer via usb we run the Rufus software. We select our driver from the device section and configure the settings as in the photo below. After clicking the Select button and selecting our Kali Linux iso file that we downloaded, we click the Start button and say Yes in the option that comes up. Now our image file has started to be written.

Rufus settings

Second step
After the image printing on our memory is completed, we run the Partition Wizard software. Our USB stick will appear divided into 3 parts. Right-click on the free space in our memory on the software and select the Create option. Now our free space is formatted in EXT4 format. This configuration will be useful for us in the next steps.

Third step
If you have configured our USB stick or an external disk, your drive is now ready for installation. We restart our memory after starting our computer, and when the computer boots up, we select our memory via the Boot menu. The boot menu key is usually on the F8 key, but it differs according to the motherboard models. You can find out your default boot key by searching for your motherboard model on Google. If you can't find it, you can enter the Bios and set the boot priority to your memory instead of your main drive. Don't forget to boot your main drive again after installation.

If you have managed to handle the boot event the Kali Linux screen will welcome you when you select your memory. We choose the one that says Live USB Persistence from the menus that appear. Use the root:toor combination if it asks you for a username and password at boot time. After completing this process, we switch to the terminal from the screen in front of you and run the fdisk -l command. This command will sort the disks. The important point here is to find the EXT4 format disk that we created in the second step. The easiest way to find it is to go over the capacity of your memory. After we find your disk we write the following codes in order.


mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb
echo "/ union"> /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
umount /dev/ disk-name

We have completed our operations now we can start using our Kali Linux operating system permanently by restarting. Do not forget to select the Live USB Persistence option on the screen that welcomes us. Good Forums <3


Uzman üye
17 Şub 2021
In this guide. we will cover the permanent installation of Kali Linux operating system on any USB stick or external disk. In this way, we will be able to easily switch to Kali Linux via the boot option on a computer with Windows without losing any data.

Before proceeding with the installation, let's keep the necessary software and hardware ready.

• Download Rufus (to burn our Kali Linux iso file to the drive) Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

• Download Mini Tool Partion (for partitioning) Best Free Partition Manager for Windows | MiniTool Partition Wizard Free

• Download Kali Linux iso file Get Kali | Kali Linux

• Flash Memory (Minimum 16gb) maybe 8 your proferty :)

step one
First of all after plugging our memory into our computer via usb we run the Rufus software. We select our driver from the device section and configure the settings as in the photo below. After clicking the Select button and selecting our Kali Linux iso file that we downloaded, we click the Start button and say Yes in the option that comes up. Now our image file has started to be written.

Rufus settings

Second step
After the image printing on our memory is completed, we run the Partition Wizard software. Our USB stick will appear divided into 3 parts. Right-click on the free space in our memory on the software and select the Create option. Now our free space is formatted in EXT4 format. This configuration will be useful for us in the next steps.

Third step
If you have configured our USB stick or an external disk, your drive is now ready for installation. We restart our memory after starting our computer, and when the computer boots up, we select our memory via the Boot menu. The boot menu key is usually on the F8 key, but it differs according to the motherboard models. You can find out your default boot key by searching for your motherboard model on Google. If you can't find it, you can enter the Bios and set the boot priority to your memory instead of your main drive. Don't forget to boot your main drive again after installation.

If you have managed to handle the boot event the Kali Linux screen will welcome you when you select your memory. We choose the one that says Live USB Persistence from the menus that appear. Use the root:toor combination if it asks you for a username and password at boot time. After completing this process, we switch to the terminal from the screen in front of you and run the fdisk -l command. This command will sort the disks. The important point here is to find the EXT4 format disk that we created in the second step. The easiest way to find it is to go over the capacity of your memory. After we find your disk we write the following codes in order.


mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb
echo "/ union"> /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
umount /dev/ disk-name

We have completed our operations now we can start using our Kali Linux operating system permanently by restarting. Do not forget to select the Live USB Persistence option on the screen that welcomes us. Good Forums <3
Nice topic hand in health :)


Katılımcı Üye
15 May 2016
In this guide. we will cover the permanent installation of Kali Linux operating system on any USB stick or external disk. In this way, we will be able to easily switch to Kali Linux via the boot option on a computer with Windows without losing any data.

Before proceeding with the installation, let's keep the necessary software and hardware ready.

• Download Rufus (to burn our Kali Linux iso file to the drive) Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

• Download Mini Tool Partion (for partitioning) Best Free Partition Manager for Windows | MiniTool Partition Wizard Free

• Download Kali Linux iso file Get Kali | Kali Linux

• Flash Memory (Minimum 16gb) maybe 8 your proferty :)

step one
First of all after plugging our memory into our computer via usb we run the Rufus software. We select our driver from the device section and configure the settings as in the photo below. After clicking the Select button and selecting our Kali Linux iso file that we downloaded, we click the Start button and say Yes in the option that comes up. Now our image file has started to be written.

Rufus settings

Second step
After the image printing on our memory is completed, we run the Partition Wizard software. Our USB stick will appear divided into 3 parts. Right-click on the free space in our memory on the software and select the Create option. Now our free space is formatted in EXT4 format. This configuration will be useful for us in the next steps.

Third step
If you have configured our USB stick or an external disk, your drive is now ready for installation. We restart our memory after starting our computer, and when the computer boots up, we select our memory via the Boot menu. The boot menu key is usually on the F8 key, but it differs according to the motherboard models. You can find out your default boot key by searching for your motherboard model on Google. If you can't find it, you can enter the Bios and set the boot priority to your memory instead of your main drive. Don't forget to boot your main drive again after installation.

If you have managed to handle the boot event the Kali Linux screen will welcome you when you select your memory. We choose the one that says Live USB Persistence from the menus that appear. Use the root:toor combination if it asks you for a username and password at boot time. After completing this process, we switch to the terminal from the screen in front of you and run the fdisk -l command. This command will sort the disks. The important point here is to find the EXT4 format disk that we created in the second step. The easiest way to find it is to go over the capacity of your memory. After we find your disk we write the following codes in order.


mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb
echo "/ union"> /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
umount /dev/ disk-name

We have completed our operations now we can start using our Kali Linux operating system permanently by restarting. Do not forget to select the Live USB Persistence option on the screen that welcomes us. Good Forums <3
Nice subject

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