Capture Android Devices with AhMyth RAT!

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19 Tem 2011
Today, there are more than 2 billion Android devices that are actively used every month. These devices can be attacked with remote management tools known as "RAT". One of such tools, AhMyth allows a user to see the full detailed ******** of the device, read SMS messages, access call logs, access files and access the camera.

Looking at the history, remote management devices have been the programs used to connect to a device remotely and provide management and technical support. However, hackers saw the potentials in these tools and concluded that they could be used for different purposes. Today, a wide variety of RATs are used that provide remote access and control for many devices. But today we will focus on one of the most popular in the Android world.

AhMyth is an open source Android RAT that currently uses the GUI interface, yet in BETA stages. Although Android RAT tools are not new, what makes this tool different is its simple and easy-to-use interface. It also supports AhMyth, Windows, Linux and macOS multiple platforms. Although its main purpose is to run on Linux and its most stable version runs on Linux, it also supports other systems.

RAT consists of two main parts. The first one is the control section that uses the Electron Framework and has the GUI interface that we run on our systems. This acts as a control panel used to control and manage the created RAT tool. The second is the "backdoor" in Android system, that is, the infected application that we will use as back-door. Below you will watch a quick sample demonstration.

Now let's start step by step how to create AhMyth and control the devices.

1 - Download and Install

AhMyth There are two ways to download and install AhMyth. The first is to access directly from GitHub through the source code. The second is to install it using the binary files it provides.

- Method One: Install from Source Code If

you are going to install using the source code, you need to make sure that a few necessary tools are installed.

* Java - We will use it to create APK Backdoor.

* Electron - We will use it to launch the control application.

* Electron Builder and Electron Packer- We will use it to create source files for macOS, Windows and Linux.

After installing these tools, you are ready to take the first step. First, let's move on to the first step of the installation via the following code:

git clone
Next, let's move on to the AhMyth-Android-Rat directory.

cd AhMyth-Android-RAT / AhMyth-Server
After reaching the directory, let's run AhMyth with the code below.

npm start

Let us remind you at this stage that the program is still in the BETA version. If you get any errors during startup, run as root using the command below.

sudo npm start --unsafe-perm
When the GUI interface appeared on the screen, the program was successfully run.

- Second Method: Installation Through Binary Installation with

source code is the basic way. But if you want to go the shorter way, you can install it through Binary. It is a nice way to deal with command line in Windows. Before you forget, make sure that Java is up to date for this process. Download the version suitable for your system from the

AhMyth setup page . Currently, only Windows and Linux are supported. After downloading the correct setup files, open them and complete the setup. After the installation is completed, the interface will open automatically. Now we can move on to the second stage, APK creation.
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