Firmware Caution Advises MSI Cyberattack


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013
Blackwell Academy
Firmware Caution Advises MSI Cyberattack

Gaming hardware manufacturers aside, modern businesses are under constant attack from malicious hackers and other digital technologists. Businesses aren't the only targets for malicious hackers. MSI has confirmed to its customers that it is under attack.

MSI states liability for the amount of damage caused. As a result, the company threatened to release its own software and source code. The network of MSI (short for Micro-Star International), a Taiwanese computer manufacturer, was reportedly compromised in a cyberattack.

As reported earlier this week, a ransomware group used the Money Message ransomware attack to infiltrate his MSI system. Well-protected company data will be released online next week unless the company pays the hackers $4 million in ransom.

Asus advises all customers to ensure that his latest BIOS and firmware updates are only available on his MSI website and nowhere else.

Although the details are still unknown, it appears that after MSI detected the network anomaly, it initiated "defense mechanisms and remediation measures" and notified law enforcement and the government. Earlier this week, MSI announced in a Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) filing first discovered by PCMag that a cyberattack had taken place in some of its information service systems. The terrorist attack was reported to the relevant authorities.

The criminal group is demanding a $4 million ransom to prevent criminals from sharing all available data caches on the internet. MSI doesn't provide details, but he warns customers not to download BIOS/UEFI files or firmware from sources other than the company's website. With this in mind, compromised software seems to be a problem in today's world. Yesterday, it was reported that there was a cyber attack on a customer. The report states that the attackers, a ransomware group called Money Message, claimed to have stolen the framework for developing the source code, BIOS and private keys.

Additionally, chat logs on this page showed the group claiming he stole 1.5 TB of data. They demanded that he pay a ransom of over $4 million for the stolen data. It is unknown if these are related or if MSI paid the ransom for these files. In the report, MSI officials said the company had returned to normal operations after the system was restored. They minimize the impact of attacks on their daily operations. As long as customers exercise normal caution when downloading software, drivers, and updates, they shouldn't worry too much about whether the company is telling the truth. Rumored to be unrelated. These emails were intended to offer lucrative sponsorship deals to content creators through MSI. Furthermore, MSI advises customers to only refer to MSI's official website for BIOS and firmware updates. This is preferable to downloading from untrusted sources such as unknown websites or torrent download sites. If a user searches the Internet for unofficial but perfectly safe firmware dumps of their device, then searching for perfectly safe modified or unofficial firmware dumps is utterly pointless.​
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