Get Information From Number with Termux /// PhoneInfoga ///

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19 Tem 2011
Hello everyone,

I will show you how you can get information about phone number by using Termux.

Firstly, What is PhoneInfoga?

PhoneInfoga is a gsm number information gathering tool in Termux. We are using maltego in Linux. on mobile, we do this with tools on Termux.

What is the benefit to us?

For example you have a some number. PhoneInfoga gives us the information about the gsm operator, city etc. and it is very easy to use and install.

Is your phone should be rooted?

You don't need to root your phone. It will work both ways.

Is there any chance of getting caught?

Termux is a Terminal so there is no odds to get caught. Except this, you will get caught If you do individual things. (We do not take responsibility)

Let's see setup codes

I am giving all setup codes here. Enter them row by row.

pkg update

pkg install git

git clone

cd PhoneInfoga

chmod 777 *

python3 -n +90[like this +9055555]



Translator: dRose98
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