Operatıng super admın authorıty of users [mybb]

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19 Tem 2011

First, normally no user is granted super admin authorization from the Mybb forum admin panel, and Super Admin authorization is normally only in the admin account created when the forum was first installed. We will give super admin authority to the user we want with this subject by playing in some codes.
First, let's log in to our forum with our admin account. Then, by clicking on the nickname of the member we want to give super admin authority from the Members & Groups section, let us find out the ID number. (The ID number of the relevant member is the number at the end of the URL.) After learning the ID, we can now connect to our site via FTP and perform our operations.
Inc / config from our FTP.

Then find the code below;

code:$config['super_admins'] = '1';

After finding the code, we can make that user a Super Admin by replacing the "1" in the code with the ID of the user we received. For example, the ID of the member that we will set as Super admin is "2". Then we will edit the code as follows;

code:Code:$config['super_admins'] = '2';

Or if we want to grant Super Admin authorization to more than one user, we can separate and save the user IDs with commas;

$config['super_admins'] = '1,2';

With this process, we have given admin authority to the user we want. Thank you for reading the ******** and wish you good forums ...




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