How to speed up cell phone?

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19 Tem 2011

As you know, phone speed is an important issue for those who use the phone frequently. The slower the phone works, the more stressful the user is. That's why users often have to switch phones. However, it is possible to speed up the phone in many ways. Now let's tell you how to speed up the Slow Down Phone.


1. Screen Animations

There are many ways to speed up the slow phone. One of them is to disable Screen Animations. If this animation does not matter to you, you can deactivate it and make the phone a little faster.


When choosing a wallpaper, everybody wants it to be more beautiful and to look. That's why they use Animated Wallpaper. However, many do not know that the Animated Wallpaper will affect the phone speed. This wallpaper has a share in slowing down the phone speed. You can use plain wallpapers instead.


3. Unused Applications / Games

Usually this is the case for phone users. He keeps the software he doesn't use on his phone. This causes the phone to slow down quite a bit. By removing Unused Apps / Games, you can make your phone one click faster.


4. Unnecessary Files There is

an application to clear many unnecessary files on Google Play at the bottom. One of them is Files Go. You can get rid of unnecessary files by downloading this application.


5. Applications Running in the
Background Applications Running in the
Background also affect the speed of the phone. With this, the processor is getting tired. If you frequently close Applications that run in the Background, you will easily notice that the phone is speeding up.



6. Home Screen It is

necessary to keep the Home Screen clean. If you add all the apps to the home screen and use widgets, the phone will slow down.



7. Facebook and Google Chrome

If you frequently use these apps, you complain that your phone is slow. These applications are exhausting the processor. Use Facebook Lite instead of plain Facebook. Instead of Chrome, you can search and use alternative browsers from Google Play.



8. Use Different Launcher

Default Launcher can often slow down the phone. That's why you can download a different Launcher from Google Play. Microsfot Launcher is my suggestion. Both fast and stylish.


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