Australia bans TikTok on government devices over security concerns.


Deneyimli Moderatör
29 Eki 2018

The decision comes after "Five Eyes" members the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand took similar steps on bans.

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus said in a statement that the ban would take effect "as soon as possible" based on advice from intelligence and security agencies.

The "electronic intelligence" alliance, first signed between the US and the UK in 1946 and expanded to include Canada, Australia and New Zealand, is known as UKUSA and is known as Five Eyes.

TikTok on the agenda due to security and privacy concerns

TikTok is facing severe restrictions due to security and privacy concerns that it could be used to spread pro-Chinese views and that user information could be accessed.

The EU Commission, the executive body of the European Union (EU), imposed a TikTok ban on its employees on February 23 due to security concerns.

Following the EU Commission and Council, the European Parliament, one of the EU institutions, also banned the Chinese social media platform TikTok on the grounds of security concerns.

In Norway, Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl had to apologize for not reporting that she had installed TikTok application on the phone allocated by the state.

The Danish Ministry of Defense banned its employees from using the Chinese social media platform TikTok on devices used in official service as part of cyber security measures.

India also banned the use of several Chinese apps, including TikTok and messaging app WeChat, in 2020 due to privacy and security concerns.

TikTok ban expands

In the US, many government agencies, including the White House, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department, banned TikTok without waiting for a vote in Congress in December 2022.

The US House of Representatives also banned the download and use of the TikTok application on official devices used by its members and employees on December 28, 2022.

Apart from Congress and the US armed forces, more than half of the US states have also banned the application from official devices.

In addition to the US, Canada, the UK and New Zealand have taken similar steps to ban the app.


Katılımcı Üye
23 Nis 2022
Tor V3
in my opinion all countries must ban tiktok. because if someone uses tiktok that means that person cant use his/her brain.


Katılımcı Üye
23 Nis 2022
Tor V3
I agree at all, especially if we are talking about Turkish TikTok. It is poisioning brains, no content, no work, just ridiculous
yes turkish tiktoks are worst one i think cause of some stupid girls some girls are starting video and dancing(not normal dance) and trying to show their body parts.
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