How to Improve Computer Performance


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
Welcome Dear TurkHackTeam Members,

Sometimes your Personal Computer may be so annoying due to low performance. So, how shall we fix it? In this article I will write some ways to stop this slowness on computers.


  1. Make sure your software is up to date and runs on the hardware that fits its needs. You need to update your system every time.

  2. Run regular updates on your operating system.

  3. Always protect yourself, by purchasing a recommended Antivirus I recommend Avira and avast. Having a virus or malware on your computer will affect performance, but it will also put your data at risk

  4. If you are running software that requires fast operational speed, you may consider upgrading the amount of memory your system has.

  5. It is recommended to use disk clean-up and disk defragmentation tools, these are available at your fingertips at no extra costs as system tools. It will help to clean up temporary files, that are being stored on your computer when browsing the web, as well as help to optimise the storage by organising files on your hard drive.

  6. Limit programs that launch at startup. They take up a lot of RAM for processing tasks that can slow down your computer. In order to do that press ctrl+shift+ESC. On the Processes Tab you will see a list of applications where you can check which one takes how much of the processing memory. If you don not need to be using it kill the process off. Under Start-up you can disable programs that start when you turn the PC on.


  7. Upgrade your hard drive to and SSD drive. Traditional mechanical drives have moving parts that are much slower in comparison to SSD that use NAND chips, a type of memory, which works approximately 10 times faster. Newer M.2 SSD can read and write roughly 10 times faster than standard SSD. So the performance increase can be massive.

  8. Reboot your PC or consider system re-installation.

Well, it ends here. Thanks for reading the article. Have a nice day.
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