Turn Your Website to Mobile App! | No Coding Required!


Asistan Moderatör
28 Mar 2020
Hello dear TurkHackTeam family! Today, you will learn how to turn your website into a mobile app!

Some Reasons to Turn Your Website Into Mobile App;

Your visitors can be seen by your visitors at any time after installing the desktop application. This ensures that your visitors don't forget your site and get to your site quickly. Turning your site into an app is a great idea if you want your app to be easily accessible to your visitors.

Online Converters;

If you don't want to convert your website yourself, there are a few websites that can do this for you in simple steps. If you wanna do it yourself, you may skip this part.

#1 AppMaker/Web2Desk:

Web2desk is a free converter made available to users by AppMaker. It turns your own website or any other website into a desktop application in just a few steps. Web2Desk currently does not support Android or IOS. It allows you to create applications for Windows, Linux and OSX only.


#2 Applicationize:

Applicationize allows you to convert any website you want into a Google Chrome extension. It also adds a custom Shortcut icon to your browser homepage right after installing the extension.


You can find more of the sites listed here with a little research. The sites on this list are the most popular and free.

Convert site from the command line;

Don't you want to transform your site with other applications? So let's do this ourselves! Converting a site from the command line to an application is simpler than sites. Let's learn how to do it!

In order to convert our website from the command line, we first need to install "nativefier".
To install this application, first of all, "NODE.JS" must be installed on our computer. Click HERE to download.

Our first command to convert our site to an application will be "npm install nativefier -g". We have to wait a few minutes after typing this command, do not worry about the colorful texts on the screen.

If you have completed this step, we will go to the last step, this time our command is "nativefier --name" ApplicationName "" https://site-link.com ""
After writing this code, we will wait a few more seconds.
When this waiting phase is over, we need to go to the folder where our command line is open. We will find the application version of our website in the folder named "name" in the directory where your command client is open.
When we enter the folder named "Name", you can see the ".exe" version of our application.

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