10 Apps To Connect Your Computer To Android Devices


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21 Nis 2015
These 10 apps let you do things like sending mobile messages from your PC, receive notifications for your phone on your desktop, push files or custom messages to and from PC and Android device. If you know of more of these handy apps, let us know in the comments.

1. AirDroid

One of the easiest methods to wirelessly transfer files between your Android device and your desktop is to use AirDroid. Once you connect your computer with your phone via the free Airdroid app, you can use the web interface to view photos videos, send SMS, take screenshots, move or delete files in your Android device.


2. Airstream

Airstream streams all the files on your desktop to any Android device with access to your folders. This way you can access not just your songs and videos, but also anything that you store on your computer. All you need is to run the server executable on your computer, then run the app on your Android device to access your computer. No transfer problems or limits. Just start streaming.


3. Polkast

Polkast doesn’t store your files over the Cloud and will create a "secret tunnel" between your Android device and the computer for easy and secure access to your files. There is also a Super Search feature to allow you to search for anything on your computer straight from your Android device. It even has a Smart Cache feature to only cache files that are downloaded and to delete older files to make room for new ones.


4. Desktop Notifications

Get your notifications from your Android device to pop up on your desktop with this app. By getting your notifications straight on your desktop you don’t have to unlock to check your phone every time a new notification comes in. It has yet to offer the option for a direct reply from your desktop but it does reduce distraction.


5. Pushbullet

Pushbullet is a fast-growing app that has evolved from merely pushing files, info or addresses to an Android device to mirroring your Android device notifications to your PC and dismissing phone notifications from your PC. You can even push your files to your friend’s phones. It also stores uploaded files in their server to make it easy to push out.


6. Message Beam

Need to beam a title, a line or an url from your PC to your Android device? Use Message Beam, an browser extension to send it straight to your device. Just copy and paste the line into the field then press Send. It also works in the opposite direction as Message Beam is also available as an app.


7. MightyText

If the small keyboard on your Android device is making it hard for you to write long text messages, MightyText lets you write on your computer and send it out. Install the app and connect it to your Google account then access the web app from the given URL. Conversations on your phone will be automatically synced. Incoming messages will pop up on your browser, and you can also use it as a backup for restoring your SMS/MMS messages in case something happens to your device.


8. TeamViewer QuickSupport

Are you the designated Android go-to guy in your home? This app will help you better understand the problems plaguing their Android device, and even your own device. The standard TeamViewer software on PC lets you connect to an Android device and gain control of app installation and overall condition of the device. The device is great for troubelshooting Android problems on multiple devices.


9. Mobizen

Mobizen is another app that lets you control your Android device on your PC. This app allows you to transfer files, backup and restore, screen capture and recording, onscreen drawing, as well as handling notifications on your Android device. You can also send text messages from the PC with this app.


10. Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop

Do you know that you can control your computer from your Android device in real-time? Using Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop you can listen to music, watch videos, play video games all from within the screen of your Android device. This app also supports streaming over the internet for $1.99/month (or $16.99/year) and has a pretty incredible frame rate, perfect for those who want to stream on the go rather be stuck in front of their computer all day.



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