Advice for Learning New Languages


15 Kas 2020

1. Learning a foreign language, be your own decision. A learning process that will occur with the force of another will never be efficient.

2. See learning a foreign language not as an obligation, but as an enjoyable journey. You will learn a foreign language quicker and better when you feel the passion of an expedition to unknown places.


3. Be patient and stubborn while learning to read in a foreign language. You will be able to understand a paragraph of the page you opened on the first day, perhaps in an hour.
You will understand more easily over time

4. As you start reading, choose an area of ​​interest and knowledge first. In informatics incident, you can more easily decipher the text written in a foreign language.

5.Do not learn a foreign language with compressed programs unless it is very compulsory. Learned in haste is forgotten with haste.


6. If you want to be able to speak and write well in a foreign language, read a lot. While reading; syntax, phrases, and even effective sentences are stored in your memory. This activates and enhances your narration as you speak or write 'input' without you noticing. If beautiful sentences and expressions did not enter your memory in time, it is very difficult to come up with beautiful and meaningful words from your tongue or pen.

7. Never stop learning languages.

8. Do not learn a foreign language in one dimension. Read newspapers, magazines and books at the same time.

Don't give up and focus on your goal. You will surely reach your goal!



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