Apple just recalled over a decade’s worth of AC adapters


Kıdemli Üye
13 Eki 2015
Following Microsoft issuing a AC adapter recall for its Surface devices, Apple has issued a sweeping return program for its adapters spanning back to 2003.

The adapters in question are the swappable prongs that can be removed from your charger and are included with many products across the iPhone, Mac, iPod and iPad lineups.

According to the recall program page, which notes that it’s voluntary, “in very rare cases, affected Apple two-prong wall plug adapters may break and create a risk of electrical shock if touched.”

Apple is recalling those sold in Continental Europe, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Brazil. It also includes those that were sold as part of the world travel kit over the years.


Those affected can swap the plugs for free, by following the process here — it’s pretty simple, you’ll just need to pop into an Apple Store or contact support.
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