Can i throw ddos ​​on game servers?

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...


19 Tem 2011
First of all hi

You can be a novice, let me briefly inform you.

Let's put aside the technical information briefly, ddos attack, 10 15 people gather and attack a server is not very effective. You can separate a server from different ip addresses of 2 different companies from abroad. I recommend using operating systems such as backtrack 5 r3 or centos with linux distribution on their servers.

The ping send command that is valid for the linux system should be in the form of a ping ip address. But you need to know the values.

-c number: After you send the ping packet as much as you specified by the number,
It provides. Request to close the ping program from the user if this option is not used
coincides until it comes. The simplest shutdown request is given by CTRL-C keys.


It is your job to examine commands such as.

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