Cyber Attack and Security


Katılımcı Üye
21 Eki 2015
-- Hi TurkHackTeam Members --

In this topic, I will telling you Cyber Attack and Security.


- What is the Cyber Attack? -

İn the incoming days the technology is getting more improve. But with all of these it makes more problem. The cyber attack is basically sending trojans and some kind of scripts to target's PC. The aim attack can be make getting the information about systems.



- Types of Cyber Attack -

The cyber attack can be maked with two way. For the first way; the system password and information can be taken. Password information of people is taken, returning to web addresses the attack process is prepared, the continuation of the virtual attack process is done by sending messages or content containing viruses.
For this process the attackers usually gets information about target before attack. After that the attacker makes attack. The second method of attack is to attack the stock in a way that humiliates it by creating psychological pressure on the individual from the cyber environment.


- Who Is Exposed To Cyber Attacks? -

Those who don't understand technology gets be an target. In other words, those who often use the Internet and download a program that they do not know, or click on incoming links that they do not know, are exposed.


- How Can We Make Secure Against Them? -

Firstly, you dont need to know device perfectly to be safe for them. You should be careful. You will download a Program to your device the average size
of the program is 10MB, but I entered a link of 10KB. This is the kind of virus (Trojan) that is used to infiltrate Android phones. What size will download the game to your computer, 100MB enter a site 100KB. This is the kind of virus (Trojan) that is used to infiltrate the computer.


You should be have control all and be careful for the be safe against them.


Thank You To Everyone Who Has Read The Reading, I Hope My Help Has Been Touched By Your Comments And Thank You Do Not Miss.

Good Forums :)


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