Difference Between Software Engineering and Computer Engineering


20 Ocak 2019
What is Software Engineering?

Performing a systematic, organized, measurable approach for software making, proccessing and maintenance. So it is using engineering for coding.

What is Computer Engineering?

Rank given to those who play an active role in the computer system builds, its design, its improvement and usage; Improving the needed softwares when needed; solving both software and hardware issues.

The most obvious difference between the two is the lessons that they learned. In software engineering, software specific courses such as Professional Software Development, Software Project Management are given. In computer engineering, hardware courses such as Electricity and Electronics and Microprocessors are given.

In short, the Computer Engineer takes computer hardware lessons, but the Software Engineer takes the lessons on software.

If you will only deal with software and if you do not want to deal with the hardware of the computer, your choice should be Software Engineering. But if you say I will be a software developer and at the same time i want to have an idea about the computer hardware then your choice should be Computer Engineering.

In fact there is not much difference between these two jobs in Turkey.

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