dpc without virus ?


Kadim Üye
20 Tem 2007

Arkadaşlar üye italyan ama o da google translate e derdini italyanca yazıp ingilizcesini bize gönderiyor burdan anlıyoruz ki google translate her dilde berabt :)


Yeni üye
30 Ocak 2016
I remember 1 deface that apparece shell linux i like much anyone remember this deface ? Is so hard text all on html .


Yeni üye
30 Ocak 2016
Oh thanks but is clean without virus ? And this is work on wine ? It have launguage English ?
Son düzenleme:


Yeni üye
30 Ocak 2016
This i can t know so really becouse on this forum know how create a virus fud ecc me too i use veil on kali linux and embed with easy binder and create a fud virus on jpg ecc . Is just one matter of principle I don t interesting so really if you infect me is just for friendship i trust of website me too are able to do that but i can t do that i m here for learn no for infect this is my target and if i can help you i do that :) .. Tell me do you know other deface on english that i can download here ?
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:

The Black Norton

Uzman üye
25 Ocak 2016
Ban City :)
This i can t know so really becouse on this forum know how create a virus fud ecc me too i use veil on kali linux and embed with easy binder and create a fud virus on jpg ecc . Is just one matter of principle I don t interesting so really if you infect me is just for friendship i trust of website me too are able to do that but i can t do that i m here for learn no for infect this is my target and if i can help you i do that :) .. Tell me do you know other deface on english that i can download here ?

Sen kıme atar yapıyon kıme atar yapıyon :trl :trl :trl :D


Kadim Üye
20 Tem 2007
This i can t know so really becouse on this forum know how create a virus fud ecc me too i use veil on kali linux and embed with easy binder and create a fud virus on jpg ecc . Is just one matter of principle I don t interesting so really if you infect me is just for friendship i trust of website me too are able to do that but i can t do that i m here for learn no for infect this is my target and if i can help you i do that :) .. Tell me do you know other deface on english that i can download here ?

Beyler işte yabancılarla bizdeki fark bu. Adam bilmiyor, evet ama kurduğu kelimeler ne kadar absürt olsa bile anlayabiliyoruz. Biz doğru tense'i mi kullancaz, ay hangi sıraydı bu mu şu mu derken hiç konuşmayalım daha iyi diyoruz. Cem yılmaz çok haklı bu konuda..

Dude, you can trust our forum. Our files are clean. I'm afraid we haven't got much english resources. The truth is, we haven't got any..:)

The Black Norton

Uzman üye
25 Ocak 2016
Ban City :)

Beyler işte yabancılarla bizdeki fark bu. Adam bilmiyor, evet ama kurduğu kelimeler ne kadar absürt olsa bile anlayabiliyoruz. Biz doğru tense'i mi kullancaz, ay hangi sıraydı bu mu şu mu derken hiç konuşmayalım daha iyi diyoruz. Cem yılmaz çok haklı bu konuda..

Dude, you can trust our forum. Our files are clean. I'm afraid we haven't got much english resources. The truth is, we haven't got any..:)

Bişey Anlamadım :trl :trl :)

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