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Uzman üye
27 Haz 2015
important warning:Before starting, edit your POPADS account.
important warning2:All of us gonna use same database.So views can be limited.For that reason,im gonna show you:
How to make a popads account ?
Firstly , open the template folder.Then press ctrl+f and write 'popads' and delete the line about popads.Then go blogger, add gadged , add html javascript after this, paste popads codeand save it.


İt is easy.Firsly open google trends(Links are end of post).Then copy words on the first line.


Then go to ' http://www.blogsbot.net/ ' and paste the first line your copy.İf you select deutch, second line must be deutch and if you select français second line must be 'français'.Do not anything on the 3rd and 4th line.On the 5th line write "1,2,3.And press the button, and press " select all pics". and press "give output"and copy the the words.


After, go to the "https://www.blogger.com/" and crate new blog.


After you crate new blog,press this button ;


Select "HTML" , paste your copied words and add tag after this press share.Broadcasting title is first thing that you copy.(On the first picture)


Repead this steps 50 times and go to blogger menu > settings > other and press export the blog and downald xml folder.Open 2 more blog and import your downalds then use " google getir" it finish.

added file with virus total.You can change it for yourself (dif.company vs) like I said we will do it all from the bloger.Create a new gmail (dont use connected adsense gmail).Also if you think that adsense will banned you can use alternatives (for exp.popads.net).You will take a lot of hit you will earn a lot of.You created bloger and created a new blog.Write the name what do you want.Select the templates and backup.Select browse and download the template that you downloaded before.If you use adsense select the edit template and write your own publish ID instead of c-pub-000.Of course it must be hosted account I mean youtube/bloger adsense.If you will use web adsense you must steer to your domain.
Anyway we downloaded template now you must download content.Actually you must do it google image ajax api changed.Now most of bots offline.I will send you my own databases.Then go to setting from left menu and select others.Now select import blog chose browse and select file1
Select file2
Select file3
Select import blog and thats it.
Like I said you will create 3 blog and import.
Now you must save blogs to webmaster tools.
Go there and select add feature / add property.Now write your blogs name (but erase the country domain and write.com)
After add on the left menu select search and chose site maps.You will see that site maps add/test on R-menu then write:
Paste it and select send.

You will see that it will go down on the site maps part. Click the blue link it named atom.xml then you will see the test button click it then wait to finish.Click view
After this from left menu on the search motors select google.
You will at your all pages on your blog just like that to do that enter your blog on the right side you will see blog archive and your all posts has written on here.
R-click all posts and select copy shortcut.Then back like google part and paste.Erase "ytparaci" then be sure erased "/" .Then select bring and create.It will download when it finished after that select "send directory" chose the upper one and select go.
Thats it!
When you complete all pages dont right anything on space part then select bring and create after write this link on the space part.

Downald links:

Dosya.tc - cretsiz, Hzl ve Kolay Dosya Paylam


After open template , change adsense information and delete popads.

Germany google trends

France google trends


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