Frequently Used JQuery Codes


15 Kas 2020
To save time in the software, I save the patterns I use constantly and copy and use instead of writing over and over. In this subject, I added some common JQuery codes. Those who forget the spelling or want to save time can find and use it by doing CTRL + F.

Documen-t ready: JQuery codes that will run when the page is loaded are written here.

$ (documen-t) .ready (function () {
  // Codes

click event: Gives an event to click the object.

$ ("selector"). click (function () {
   // action after click

ajax: Allows php codes to run without r3freshing the page.

 $ .ajax ({
    type: "POST",
    url: 'php_path',
    data: {data to send},
    success: function (incoming_data) {// if successful
        // action

addClass/removeClass: Defines / deletes a class to the object

$ ("selector"). addClass ("add_class");
$ ("selector"). removeClass ("to delete_class");

Translator: @Thekoftte
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