Host Threats


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
Host Threats:
Host threats can open up to bad consequences. When the attacker attacks the host and this attack is successful, the attacker can do Man in The Middle (man in the middle attack). With this attack, everyone will have entered the attacker's website while thinking that they will enter a normal website. Therefore, host threats can cause both customer loss and reputation loss.

Person Who Creates Cyber Threats:

Don't forget that cyber threats do not occur by themselves. Behind all cyber threats is the person with a bad purpose, and these people have different purposes. Let's learn these!

Commercial Opponents:

Commercial Opponents struggle with each other to be stronger than each other. A Commercial Opponent tries to create a cybersecurity threat to her rival to exclude her rival from trade and not the contend with her own company.

Cyber Pirates:

Cyber Pirates purpose is to completely harm to target. These Pirates, the persons are not affiliated with an institution or establishment, attempt to like credit card information and personal data of their targets.


Spies are hired by one person. These spies plan to exceed the targets of personal data with spyware. After receiving these data, the person is hired the spies is knowledgeable.

Insidious Persons:

These People, target events around on the world or within a country. For example, an earthquake happened to in a country. These persons try to deceive people by giving counterfeit information is here. It can even put their own infected site at the end and steal the data thousands of people with a lie ''for the rest of the article'' there was an earthquake in-country ''x''
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Senior Hunter
31 May 2020
It has been a really successful subject, my friend is very good. I hope it will continue :) :drunk
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