How Can I Get VDS/VPS?


19 Tem 2011
-What is the VDS/VPS? How can i attack it?-

What is the VDS/VPS? How can i get free? How can i attack it?

-What is the VDS?-

VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) is making an private a server to which your savings belong. İn the all servers the hardware components are different.

-What is the VPS?-

VPS (Virtual Private Server) allows you to use the server as multiple virtual servers that are independent of each other. Vps allows servers to run independently of each other even though they are on the same server. Access to shared servers is restricted. Each virtual server has its own operating system, control panel and capabilities.

-Getting Free VDS/VPS-

Microsoft Azure VDS Alma
Topic: TurkHackTeam - Microsoft Azure VDS Alma by PashaReyiz
Google Cloud VPS Alma
Topic: TurkHackTeam - Google Cloud VDS Alma by MyGf
Amazon VPS Alma
Topic: TurkHackTeam - Amazon VPS Alma by ardax76

-Attacking Method 1-

You should have firstly:

"" Scripti: Dosya.Tc - web.rar
Virüs Scan: VirüsTotal - web.rar

Firstly we are connecting our server with WinSCP.

We go to the authentication section and press the personal key file section.

After that we select our key.

And click "Okey".

We click "Log İn".

İn the incoming screen we enter our password.

After that we upload our script "" to server.

We connect our server with Putty and we authorize the script.

After that we select target page.

We are entering "Check Host" and go to the "HTTP" part. After that we paste it page link. We paste it to Putty the writing in "Check Website".

python site link

After that click enter and make attack.

And page downed.

-Attack Method 2-

Firstly you should have:

The script named "ssa": Dosya.Tc - ssa.rar
Virus Scan: VirüsTotal - ssa.rar

Firstly we connect WinSCP server.

After that we put the script to server.

Go to Putty, and we authorize it.

chmod +x ssa

After that we select our target ip.

For modem; Port 80, For ts3; The port 9987.

./ssa -p 80

You can down the target with this methods.



Translator: Xowly
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