How do I solve my Instagram Panel Problem?

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Kıdemli Üye
19 Tem 2011
Hi friends.

In this title, we had friends who got an error in the panel setup I got with the video

Common questions ;

1-Q: Login problem (wrong password)
1-R: If this problem is in a current version, it is possible this time, until after logging into the panel continuously. For example, I don't get the error when I enter the panel. Because I am the manager, other new members need to be verified. Get this error after logging in to the panel, then go to Instagram and verify. Log in to

2-Q: Loans of the members are not deleted?
2-R: Dear members, I know there are many complaints about this issue. We need to use "cronjob" to reset the credit. So scheduled task. Like the diary on our phone. If your hosting panel has a cronjob feature, we can easily fix it. If there is no such feature, we write "free conjob" in your browser and register to one of the sites. These systems will work for us. our command to run cronjob ;

curl -slient /dev/null

We run, the curl -slient website cron / dev / null.
As with the video, you can reset follower credits.

3-Q: Although there are 100 users in active user calibrations, 5 seems active. Why?
3-R: The reason for this is an error caused by our crones. We have cron to process inactive users in our cron. If we run this cron continuously, it will not show a low number.

4-Q: Error while running the crone
4-R: Although this mistake scares you, do not care much. An error in cron system in panel coding with a small mistake. However, our cron will have worked

5-Q: 1000 cookies are waiting to be transferred, but the transfer is not successful, why?
5-R: As I mentioned, you need to run cron. If you add your links to the cronjob system with commands, you don't even need to use them. For this you need to run cron ; pending cookie control processes.

6-Q: I get a 500 Internal Server error
6-R: Reasons for getting the error;
-This is because you did not set config.php and config.local.php properly.
-You need to import the SQL file in rar to PhpMyAdmin.
-Do not throw the folder directly, you should put the script in the public_html subdirectory.

7-Q: There is a credit bug in the code.
7-R: Yes, the script has credit bugs. If you know coding, you can try to fix this error.

8-Q: The possibility of the script being banned? (google,yandex,bing)
8-R: No, if you adjust the script's SEO settings nicely, you will be ranked on Google within a few months.

9-Q: How do I give admin?
9-R: Via Phpmyadmin in your database > member (uye) > find the person's name. You will see the isAdmin query. Make the value there 1, exit the system and log in again. After receiving the admin, admin is successfully given when we tick > Member (üye) > Member detail (üye detay) > Administrator through the admin panel.

Translator: Secret Person
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