How To Change Your Processor Speed


Kıdemli Üye
5 Tem 2009
If you want to test your CPU speed to check if it comes close to the one advertised by your chip manufacturer, then I think CPU Speed Professional is very useful software. You can also submit your score to an online database and compare it to other scores around the world if you are so inclined. CPU Speed Professional is a standalone application that measures the REAL speed of your Intel or AMD central processor unit (CPU). It features a stunning interface with elegant animations and screen transitions. Click the 'Test My Speed' button and watch as CPU Speed ramps up your computer's processor to full throttle.

The MHz needle swings around a handsome 'speedo' style dial to display your cpu speed. Click the 'Show CPU Details' button to see more detailed information about your system, including cpu manufacturer, published speed, memory configuration and more. After you have tested your CPU speed, you can choose to submit the result to the CPU speed online ranking site so that you can compare your speed with other ones.


  • Advanced speed test
  • Advanced CPU Information Efficiency
  • All processors work for Resolution
  • Real Application
  • Advanced Information
  • TNC Reklamlı
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Free
After installing the software i test my CPU speed. Showed 4-Core AMD 2200 MHz speed. Not bad.
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