How to Find All Website Hosted in same Server


Kıdemli Üye
23 Eyl 2016
Open command prompt and Type ping and press Enter.
Now you can find the IP address of the web server of your website.

Example: ping


Now open Bing or

Type ip:IP-Address in the Bing or Yahoo search box to get the list of websites hosted on the respective IP address.

In Bing Search Box


In Yahoo Search Box


Other Methods

You Get Signal

You Get Signal have just the tool for this. It’s called a “Reverse IP Domain Check” and it takes a site URL or IP address and tells you all or many of the domains pointing to that server.


Reverse IP Lookup - Find Other Web Sites Hosted on a Web Server

MY IP Neighbors

My IP Neighbors lets you find out if any other web sites (“virtual hosts”) are hosted on a given web server. The tool is a great way to find out who your hosting neighbors are, or just to see how many other websites your hosting company runs from the same machine. Or perhaps you’d like to know if that flashy company still uses cheap hosting like the rest of us.


MyIPNeighbors - Under maintenance
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