How To Fix Closed Ports


Co Admin
21 Nis 2020
Greetings THT Members, while looking at my old topics, I noticed something and saw that some people still haven't fully solved an issue with a really simple solution. There are still those who send a message about how it happens. First of all, I definitely don't underestimate anyone because I didn't know and couldn't handle some simple things in time.

Anyway, let's move on to our topic; For example, you made a RAT, sent it to the victim, and then, while everything was fine, suddenly your access to victim was gone. What could have happened?

There are some different reasons:

-The victim may have deleted the virus
-Antivirus may be disabled the Virus
-The connection may be broken because you are in the CGI pool
-One of the parties may have lost internet connection
-The port you opened may have lost its functionality -So the port may be closed/changed-

We will fix the problem that occurred in my last situation in this regard.

Expression with Pictures

Yes, first of all we have a RAT, normally we opened the connection port of it from our modem interface and our port 4545 is open in port check sites as follows. We also have victims in our RAT as you can see (I chose my own phone as a victim).



Things are fine here. But after a while, we saw that the connection was lost suddenly and when we scanned the port check site, we saw that our port was closed. What are we doing, this port should be normally open?



What we have to do here is simple, in the Start menu we type "cmd" and start cmd. Then we write "ipconfig" for Windows. In Linux distributions, you can access this section by typing "ifconfig" in the terminal section.


We check out local IP address here


Then we go to our modem interface, for this we type in our internet browser.


(This modem interface screen varies according to the modem type and brand. Your interface may be different.)

Here, after logging in, we check the port we set in the port opening section.


As you can see, the local IP specified on the computer is different from the local IP we assigned here before. We write here our current local IP.


Then we save and exit. As it seems, our victim has come back and our port is now open on the port check site and our RAT connection is back.



What could be the reason for local IP change? If the modem is reset or in such cases, your Local IP address may change. So every time you use RAT or open a port and do something, check the modem interface IP with local IP.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.
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