How to Hide Files in Pictures on a Mac


Kıdemli Üye
5 Tem 2009
As I'm sure most of you are aware, Apple is catching up in terms of the market of computers. Just recently, the Apple Mac line has reached 30% of the world computer market share. In other words, we will be seeing a rise in Mac hackers very soon. I have seen lots of "How to hide..." tutorials, but they are all for Windows machines. Here is a post about how to hide yor files in .jpg images on a Mac:

1. You will need two files. One, of course, being the .jpg image and the other being an .rar or .zip file.

2. Place both files on your Desktop (or just in the same directory).
We will call our files "image.jpg" and "file.rar". So, place "image.jpg" and "file.rar" on your Desktop

3. Open Terminal and type the following:

cd Desktop

4. Then, hit Return (Enter) and type this:

cat image.jpg file.rar > newimage.jpg

This will make a "concatenated" file composing of "image.jpg" and "file.rar" named "newimage.jpg" on your Desktop. The new file will look like the orginal image file but if you change it's extension from ".jpg" to ".rar", you can extract the contents of the orginal .rar file.
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