How to increase your RAM when you have root access


Kıdemli Üye
21 Nis 2015
In this section we're going to explain how to increase your RAM with a rooted device. The trick involves creating a partition on your SD card, which will act as a secondary source of RAM. To do this, we will be using the ROEHSOFT RAM Expander (SWAP) app. You can download it here. :Download

Here is the Play Store description of it:

-Free SD card memory as a RAM use (SWAP RAM / SWAP MEMORY)
-Swapfile RAM expansion up to 4.0 GB (file system limit)
-No limit on SWAP partition!
-The usual performance degradation when paged not occur with SD card from class-8
-Widget for PNP swap (swap on / off swap)
-Detailed Memory Information & Analysis
-Swappiness kernel parameter set
-Easy foolproof use (1 click optimization and automatic calculation)
-Supporting Tung all Android devices (root access and Kernelswap support)

You will need a class 4 SD card at a minimum, but for best results you should use a higher class.

Check the compatibility of your device

Before using ROEHSOFT RAM Expander, you will need to check that your device is compatible. Download MemoryInfo & Swapfile Check. Start the app and give it SuperUser rights. Click 'start ramexpander test here' at the bottom of the screen. Select the SD-card or Ext SD-card. Then press 'Click for result'. If 'Congratulations' appears, your device is compatible with the RAM expander app!



Install the 'Swap'
If you have a compatible handset, download and start the ROEHSOFT RAM-EXPANDER (SWAP) app and start the application. Give it root permissions and select your language (you can choose English, German or French).

Use the slider to select the amount of space you want to allocate to your SWAP partition. Tap 'optimal value' to automatically adjust the settings for the best performance, and 'autorun' should also be enabled. The last thing you need to do is tap 'Swap Activ' to complete the process.


Your system should now have more RAM, and thus better performance, thanks to the support of your SD-card. (Note that this process will mean that the SD card is no longer accessible from a computer.)

Did these suggestions work for you? Do you know any other good ways to get more RAM?

Source: Android Pit

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10 Eyl 2015
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