How to Open an Encrypted Computer? // [SeSa1453-R4V3N]


Kontrol Hesabı
28 Ocak 2016
Folks, Imagine an encrypted computer. You don't know the password but you need to know. Your father, brother, sister
etc. put a password on the computer. Our topic about using computer without password.

+ Firstly, you should be have used that computer previously. For using computer without password, you need to make a
small change on the computer. Find a way to open the computer from someone knows the password.
+The possible reasoning is: You can run some programs on login screen. E.g. Sticky Keys. We will run Command Processor
instead of Sticky Keys. On login screen; when we run Sticky Keys, Command Processor to open and we can use computer
without password thanks to a simple code what we write in Command Processor.
+To do this: Run this command, add to regedit.

[COLOR="White"]REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\sethc.exe" /v Debugger /t REG_SZ /d "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe[/COLOR]

+On login screen; when you press the Shift Key five times, Command Processor to open. You can run commands on the
computer what you want.
+To open the desktop:

[COLOR="White"]start explorer.exe[/COLOR]

Original version:

/ Şifreli Bilgisayara Girmek /

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