How to Perform Manual SQL Bypass? / Applied Example


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
In this topic, "How to Do Manual SQL Bypass?" I'll show him. Let's move on to our topic immediately.

Tables Finding

In this process, friends, we will use the command I will give you. Let's move on to our process immediately. First of all, we need to go to our site and find out how many copies of that page of our site are. I will tell you this directly. There are exactly 5 copies in the sixth example of Web For Pentester, guys. We will use a command to find out.

order by 5

When we write, there will be no changes on the site.


Let's write another one over there.

order by 6


Yes, the information has been lost here, so we realized that there are 5 copies here. The command I will give to be held accordingly. Let's take a look at our commands right now.


We will use the first command I have given here. Let's copy our command immediately and paste it into the search area of the site. But here, leave a space after "index.php? Id = 2". Let's take look from the visual.


Let's enter and see what kind of result it will return to us.


He is asking for an "integer" information from us. So there is a firewall here. We will bypass this. We will use the "#" sign to bypass this, but we will convert this sign with the "url encoder".


Our conversion process has been completed, now let's go back to our open site. After returning to our site, let's come to the end of the code we pasted and paste it by leaving a space.


Let's enter and see what happens again.


It requests "integer" information from us again, so we come to the end of this command and leave a space again and write "1".


Let's enter and see what results will come out.


As you can see, it returned us a table called "users" here.

Sight into Users

The command we will apply here is the second command. Let's take a look at our commands again.


Copy our second command and paste it to the end of our site, by leaving a space.


Let's enter in and see what happens immediately.


Yes, as you can see, it gave us a few information contained in the user. We will take action according to the information given here.

Data Pull from Given Information

Let's take a look at our commands.


From here, let's choose our third command and paste the address of our site, by leaving a space.


Let's enter and see what happens.


Yes, he is asking for "integer" value again. It is necessary to bypass this place again. As we did in the first process, we made the "#" sign "url encode" and leave a space at the end and we will write one. If you want to write the encoded version directly, the encoded version is "23%".


Let's enter and see how it returns something to us.


As you can see, it reflected all the information back to us here.


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