How To - Recover Deleted Data


Kıdemli Üye
5 Tem 2009
Many times it happens that we accidentally delete some important data from our computer. In such cases data recovery softwares are very helpful but most of them are paid softwares. There are only few Free data recovery softwares available on the the internet and one of them is FreeUndelete.

Before you use FreeUndelete I advise you not to transfer any data to that particular drive from which you have to recover data as it can reduce your chances of data recovery.

Now In post I will give you download link for the Freeundelete software and also highlight some of its main features.

File systems that are supported by freeundelete Software are:

* NTFS 1.0 and 2.0 (Filesystems of windows NT,Xp,Vista,2000 and Windows 7)
* FAT 12,FAT 16,FAT 32 (Windows 98)

Where are the recovered files stored?

The recovered files will be stored at the user specified destination.

Click Here To Download FreeUndelete Data Recovery Software
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