Linux File Compression and Extraction Commands


Linux File Compression and Extraction Commands

gzip -9 file Compresses the specified file optimally and creates a file.gz.

bzip2 file Compresses the specified file optimally and creates a file.bz2. Often provides better compression than gzip.
gunzip file.gz Decompresses the file.gz compressed with gzip into a file.
bunzip2 file.bz2 Decompresses the file.bz2 compressed with bzip2 into a file.
tar -xvf archive.tar Extracts the archive file, specified as archive.tar (not compressed), to the current directory.
tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz Extracts the compressed archive file, specified as archive.tar.gz, to the current directory. Also works for files with the extension .tgz, which are equivalent to .tar.gz.
tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz -C directory Extracts the compressed archive file to the specified directory.
tar -jxvf archive.tar.bz2 -C directory Extracts the archive file compressed with Bzip2 to the specified directory. (In older versions, -Ixvf was used.)
tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz directory1 directory2 ... file1 file2 ... Creates an archive.tar file from the specified directories and/or files and then compresses it into archive.tar.gz using gzip.
unzip -d directory Extracts the zip archive into the specified directory.
unarj e archive.arj Extracts the arj archive file archive.arj.
uudecode -o target source Decodes the file encoded with uuencode (usually email attachments) and saves it as the target file.

Source : 3333
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