[MOD] Virtual Life / Sanal Hayat


Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
22 Kas 2007
Lütfen Dikkat : Bu MOD deneme aşamasındadır ..

Açıklama :

  • Üyeler diğer üyelere evlenme teklifi yapabilir.
    Üyeler evlenme teklifini reddedebilir..
    Üyeler boşanabilir..
    Eşler viewtopic ve viewprofile ' de gösterilir...
    Birçok eş kabul edebilir & reddedebilirsiniz..
    Çoklu eş grubuna limit koyabilirsiniz..
    Evlilik listesi..
    Teklifler Pop-up ' da gösterilir..
    hidden sid_url bu mod için özel yapıldı ..
    Eşcinsellik kabul edebilir & reddedebilirsiniz..
    Çocuk sahibi olabilirsiniz..
    PCP, APM and POst Icon eklendi...

## MOD Title: Marriage MOD 
## MOD Author: WyriHaximus < [email protected] > (Cees-Jan Kiewiet) http://www.WyriHaximus.net/ 
## MOD Description: This MOD allows forum members to marry and get children.
## MOD Version: 0.7.5 
## Installation Level: Advanced 
## Installation Time: 20 Minutes 
## Included Files: (n/a, or list of included/required files) 
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ for the 
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code 
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered 
## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes: Beta release use this MOD at you own risk it's not done yet!!! 
## In /docs/install/ you will find the files for a fresh install.
## In /docs/upgrade/ you will find the files for a upgrade for x.x.x to x.x.x.
## You will find the files that have to be uploaded in /root/
## Chmod mods/real_life_hack/cache to 777.
## Special thnxs to:   [D]J (http://www.chatticonme.it/) for:
##                   - helping me test the hack from the inside out
##                   - for supplying a better layout for the ACP
##                   Papy (http://www.andrieux-b.com/) for:
##                   - helping me beta testing the hack 
##                   Abax (http://www.baxfamily.com/) for:
##                   - helping me last minute beta testing the hack in combination with PCP and APM
##                   Eric Hare (http://www.semlab.com/) for:
##                   - helping me last minute beta testing the hack in combination with PCP, APM and Post Icon
##                   - fixing some typos in the marriage_lang.php file
##                   - Heart Post Icon
##                   Kittie (http://www.japanesetrading.net/) for:
##                   - marriage list mini icon in the header

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