New Scam Alerts Users About YouTube Altering Policy


Kıdemli Üye
24 Şub 2016
A new YouTube phishing campaign is making rounds in the wild, urging users to read and accept so-called changes in YouTube's rules and policies. What’s scary is that it abuses YouTube’s authentic email address to lure users into providing their credentials.

What's the new scam?​

YouTube has published a warning, stating that several users have raised complaints about this ongoing phishing campaign.
  • The emails inform users about some updates in YouTube’s new monetization policy and some new rules that users should agree with to continue with the service.
  • To inculcate a sense of urgency, they are asked to review and accept the new rules within seven days.
  • Along with the message, the emails contain a YouTube video and a link to Google Drive, which when clicked, ask targets to provide their YouTube credentials.
  • The phishing emails appear to be sent using no-reply@youtube[.]com, an authentic YouTube account, thus, adding more legitimacy to the scam.

Abuse of authentic email ID​

  • A tech researcher alerted YouTube about this scam via a tweet, sharing the details of the email he received. He stated that the emails were not spoofed, and were sent via YouTube’s authentic email ID.
  • The scammers are apparently abusing YouTube’s Share Video by Email feature, which allows users to share their private videos via YouTube’s official email notification channel.

Identifiable clues​

The scam uses the official email address to lure victims, however, comprises several telltale signs hinting about the scam.
  • The language used in the email is quite imperfect, with several random words, such as Getting Monetization money earned.
  • The format of the email is distorted, with no proper bullets in lists and no spacing between different paragraphs and sections.
  • Moreover, the seven-day deadline is a usual tactic used by several scammers to create a sense of urgency.

Safety tips​

Abuse of popular platforms and services is not new, and this scam stands as another reminder that trusted social media platforms are a popular playground for scammers. To stay protected, experts recommend users be vigilant when providing any sensitive information, specifically credentials. Double-check the authenticity of any email or link by scanning them with genuine security software and avoid engaging with any suspicious-looking alerts, claims, and offers that have an undue sense of urgency.
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