Nmap Parameters


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
-sV <Destination IP Address>

The sV Parameter shows you the open ports and versions of the target IP address you have written like output. Thus, you can find out by researching whether there is a history of security vulnerabilities in the service itself or its version

--script vuln <Target IP Address>

The script vuln parameter shows you the results of these tests as output by doing certain vulnerability tests within the written target IP address

-O <Destination IP Address>

O Parameter allows you to learn the operating system used by the scanned target IP address, but it may not always work successfully.

-sC <Destination IP Address>

The sc parameter provides to use all the default scripts in Nmap, on the written target IP address

-Pn <Destination IP Address>

The Pn Parameter provides to disable the discovery feature, by pinging the typed target IP address to the server computers (Inactive), also Port Versions and operating system realizes detection rasters.

Source: Nmap Parametreleri

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