Password Security


Katılımcı Üye
21 Eki 2015

Password Security

We need passwords to protect our personal information. The stronger this password, the harder it is to break and the better our security. A lot of people use easy and simple passwords saying I forget, I don't want to type too much but this makes it so easy for attackers.

Use Unique Passwords

Passwords that you will use shouldn’t include things like music, books, games, your date of birth, name, and age. Don’t use simple password. For example “123456”, “qwert”. Choose your password carefully. If you can, let the password manager determine your password for you. It's a little harder to hack because they are designed specifically for the password security.

Don't use same password on multiple accounts. More than 70% of people use their passwords on multiple accounts. If one of your accounts is hacked, others will not take long to be hacked. Either make small changes(easy to remember) or use different passwords(hard to remember), as you will use different passwords in each account. Of course, the easiest of them is the password manager.

What To Consider When Setting A Password

• Try to keep your password long. At least 12 characters.
• Be careful to use lowercase letters, uppercase letters,numbers, and special characters.
• Do not use passwords that contain your personal information.
• Determine a combination that you can keep in mind.


It's not enough to secure our password anymore. Some companies are taking the security of our accounts to the next level with the two-factor authentication method (2FA). Although this method is troublesome for us at every entrance, it is a necessary method for our security. Here's how this method works. It is a method used to recover a device or an email when the other device's password is stolen by connecting it together. At each login, a code is sent to the device you have selected or to your mail. We log in with this code.


We can avoıd attacks by strengthening our passwords for the security of your accounts and personal data. Password manager will strengthen your security. We can't reduce it to zero, but we can still reduce it significantly. So never give up security.

Thanks for reading!
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