Penetration Test Part 1


Kıdemli Üye
3 Haz 2017
New viruses or attacks occur day after day. Most big risk group is companies. If a company's datas steal by hackers, they can sell them. Nobody wants to his datas' learn from other opponents. Companies are make Penetration test month to month


What Is Pentest Test ?

Compaines make Penetration tests. Because they need to test their security systems. They determine and fix that vulnerabilities with this.


Using Armitage on Penetration Tests

What Is Armitage

First, learn Armitage word.
We use Armitage while making simulation attacking test or while attacking. It uses mꬴtᶏsplꝍit's datas. So, it is direct proportion with Penetration Test. We can run Armitage on Kali Linux.

It is a common using tool. Because we can make attack simulation with this.


What Is Advance Level Methods In Pentest Tests ?

MSSQL xp_cmdshell

This method is a one of the attack types. Its purpose is stealing datas on target system. You can steal datas by Brute force from who logined to website


All datas hide in DNS tunnel. Attacker can try to access to datas with DNS payload attacks.

Network Pivoting

It makes LAN (local network) attacks. You can hack the all networked system after hacking a systems in that network.

Web Java Apllet Attack

It is an attack method working with Java.
You can use your victim's carelessness, and upload Java Apple



What Are Types Of Penetration Tests ?

BlackBox Pentest

WhiteBox Pentest

GreyBox Pentest

What Is BlackBox Pentest ?

Attacker has no any information of target institution's network in this attack type. Attacker sees how many damages can he give with this test.

What Is WhiteBox Pentest ?

Contrary of BlackBox Pentest, Attacker has informations about network in this attack type.

What Is GreyBox Pentest ?

This attack type shows to us as a simulation while someone is attacking who has no any authority. This simulation runs when data stole or in authorization cases in network.


%60 of senior officials think this attacks performing by a who works in that institution.


What Are Steps of Penetration Tests ?





First, plan make from tester.


Tester starts to implementing


Test finishes in this part. Occured report will start to sending.

The Importance Of Penetration Tests for Information Security

Companies provide their information securities with this tests. They must make this tests regularly.



Translator: M3m0ry
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