Protos – IP Protocol Scanner


Kıdemli Üye
23 Eyl 2016
Protos is an IP protocol scanner. It goes through all possible IP protocols and uses a negative scan to sort out unsupported protocols which should be reported by the target using ICMP protocol unreachable messages.

First Open Your backtrack and Follow these path

Applications->BackTrack -> Information Gathering -> Network Analysis -> Route Analysis -> protos


You can start it with ./protos –I eth0 –d (IP) -v


Usage: ./protos -i eth0 -d -v

-v verbose
-V show which protocols are not supported
-u don’t ping targets first
-s make the scan slow (for very remote devices)
-L show the long protocol name and it’s reference (RFC)
-p x number of probes (default=5)
-S x sleeptime is x (default=1)
-a x continue scan afterwards for x seconds (default=3)
-d dest destination (IP or IP/MASK)
-i interface
-W don’t scan, just print the protocol list
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