''PyLoris'' - DDos Armour İn Testing Tool // International Team

Pyloris??=Pyloris ; What We Call a Dos (A Denial of Service Attack Against a Server Over a Single Network) Tool. This Tool Is Not Used In Active Dos Attacks. It Is Generally Used For Testing What We Call DDos Armor (DDOS''Attack''Sshield)'. It Sends Packets Slowly And In HTTP Protocol On The Attacker Server It Keeps TCP Ports Active This Causes The Server To Time Out High Timeout Creates Heavy Data Traffic On The Server As A result, the server that cannot handle this data flow crashes. If the attack on the server is very high, the server may be completely inaccessible.


General : Host = Destination Server | Port = Server Port Number | Behavior : Attack Limit = Attack Limit 0 - ∞ | Connections Limit = Connection Limit 0 - ∞ | Thread Limit = Limit of Packets to Send to Server 0 - ∞ | Connection Speed = Connection Speed is 'In Seconds' | Time Between Thread Spawns = Time Between Packets 'Operating in Seconds' | Time Between Connections = Time Between Connections 'Works in Seconds' | Proxy = Proxy Type : Proxy Style ( SOCKS4,5,HTTP,NONE ) | Proxy Hostname / IP Address = Proxy 'Hostname'-IP Address | Proxy Port = Proxy Port Address | Proxy Username = Proxy Username | Proxy Password = Proxy Password '' . //

Although DDoS Shields Are So Advanced Today, DDos Attacks Are Still Very Dangerous / Companies Still Need To Take Precautions While Trusting IPS Is Quite Bad One of the 5 Big Mistakes Companies Make ' Keeping IPS As The Only Security Precaution | As a result, companies are already taking heavy damage from DDos Attacks. | Example = Microsoft In November 2021 Exactly 3.47 TBPS DDoS Attack Happened To The Company And The Company Successfully Prevented The Attack 340 Million Packages Sent Per Second Also, SSDP - CLDAP - DNS And NTP Was Used Instead Of Using Botnet Network In This Attack Signs That Show It Is Well Protected . | It should also be said that there is no definite method of protection from DDOS attacks, only the size and effect of the attack can be reduced.

If you have a question about the subject, contact me on the forum.( @Daeky )

Original Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/pyloris-ddos-armour-in-testing-tool.2015300/
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Kıdemli Üye
17 Mar 2022
My Opinion Just a tip, don't use a program for ddos, it only seems to you, the page can be open for other people, My commander

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