Remote Control for Android, Installing AndroRAT without using No-IP (with Video)


Katılımcı Üye
19 Şub 2016
First Note: If you are too lazy to read long texts, let me say at first, links are the following.

First of all hi to all, I'm greeting you one by one, I know you want to watch to, read the messages,
listen to call logs of the phones which has android system you aim at. You want to do this easy and insidiously way,
but you don't know how to do, how to start too, don't be sad, you done half of work with coming here.
There is a real in the cyber world so-called Remote Administration Tool (RAT) What does is it? Maybe many of you know it,
it's name is Admin Control as I've called, you can adapt all the features I just said about to whole systems.
And I'll explain you about AndroRAT which is android version's. Now some of you will say
"Wasn't it Linux's, isn't it bringing Linux virus? Who are you kidding with, pal?"
But firstly Android isn't a pure Linux, it's basically Linux. In fact, RAT is virus,
antivirus softwares detects them as virus but AndroRAT isn't virus, how to work's too.
As you know when you install any application to Android system it shows you the permissions
that you can apply in and the people of 99% clicks to "Continue" and "Install" without reading.
The other people who in 1% give up to installing after read, the logic of AndroRAT's working:
Think of any apk file (I used to Bluetooth Okey's apk in the video) It injects access permissions
into the APK and when person install the APK if you did settings as well in your PC, you can connect. That's the case.
I noticed there is no enough detailed explanation about AndroRAT and the present explanations has been posted on the No-IP way.
(No-IP has been deactived for Turk IPs) Let me mention about the steps briefly.

  1. Fixing the IP with Duck DNS
  2. Opening the port to available address
  3. Installing JDE and JDK also updating Java to the latest version
  4. Hiding the RAT with Binder into the apk file (links are in the below)
  5. Sending RAT to victim with kinds of SE ways and mission completed!
musileno says:
Lecture, fiction and scenario is entirely mine, the only thing that is not mine AndroRAT
so of course I didn't make the program, but what does it matter if someone can't use it right? :)

Are you one of people who directly coming here after first note? I know you were waiting impatiently. That's all links:

Note: All the files which has been detected are itself of AndroRAT as shown, no problem.

I put the download link, zip pass and virustotal are in the explanation of video, you can reach them right there.

Edit 1: The people who has any problem about opening port, I can help them if they send me their TeamViewer information via PM.
Edit 2: I got too much PMs from the people who wants help, my inbox is full so contact with me on the Skype anymore.
Edit 3: The exact solution about opening port:
Port Tarayıcı – Musileno Resmi Sitesi
Edit 4: I shared source for developer friends who wants to edit program and add new functions.
Edit 5: Extra link has been added.

Download link's in the explanation of video.

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