See The Content Without Clicking On a Link


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
I will explain how we can vsee the content without clicking a link.​

How Can We See The Content Without Clicking A Link?

Our cybersecurity is ensuring a pretty important issue. We encounter dozens of links that we do not trust or do not want to click while surfing the internet. It is a very simple method to see the content without clicking on these links. The website named Screenshot Guru is showing us all the content without click the link, very simply. You can see how to do it in detail below.​


How to Use Screenshot Guru?​

1-As a first step, we enter the Screenshot Guru site by clicking the link I gave in below.


2-After entering our site, we paste the link of the site we do not want to enter where it says "Enter URL".​


3-We're passing the "I'm not a robot" verification.​


4-After passing the verification that I am not a robot, we press the "SCREEN CAPTURE" button.​


5-And we can easily see the content of the site that we do not want to click on the link.​


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