Sia Helium


Katılımcı Üye
29 Tem 2017


I'm trying but I keep falling down
I cry out but nothing comes now
I'm giving my all
And I know peace will come
I never wanted to need someone

Yeah, I wanted to play tough
Thought I could do all this on my own
But even Superwoman
Sometimes needed Superman's soul

Help me out of this hell
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down down down

When I've hit the ground
You're all I need

And if you let go
I'll float towards the sun
I'm stronger 'cause you fill me up
But when the fear comes
And I drift towards the ground
I am lucky that you're around

Yeah, I wanted to play tough
Thought I could do all this on my own
But even Superwoman
Sometimes needed Superman's soul

Help me out of this hell
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down down down
When I've hit the ground
You're all I need
'Cause your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium

You lift me up and I am found
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up when I'm down down down
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up and I am found
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up when I'm down down down
You lift me up before I hit the ground

Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down down down
When I've hit the ground
You're all I need
'Cause your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium
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