Social Engineering Manipulation


Katılımcı Üye
21 Eki 2015

Social Engineering Manipulation

In this article, I will talk about how a social engineer should think, what he should do to achieve his goal, and how he should use manipulation.

Structure Of Thinking

Makes the movements and actions in accordance with the his purpose. He doesn't think about his own taste or feelings. He focuses on the victim and thinks that whatever I do, I will be closer to him. If he's going to help someone, he's going to do it to get close to his goal. He's not afraid to stand out. He acts as a leader when necessary. And when necessary, he stands behind the victim and supports him.



It's not always easy to be close to the victim, to get the necessary information from him. For this, he must know to be patient. Be able to notice small details. In this way, he can easily notice the changes in the victim and reveal his psychological structure. For example, think of it as a game. The victim tells you a story and asks you for advice about it. You will get negative points when you do not give comfortable sentences or answers that are logical. If you can't establish intimacy, all your work will be in vain. For example, if you compliment the victim after seeing a haircut, wearing a new necklace, or changing his shoes, the victim will like it, and when he sees that you are interested in him, you will get plus points.



Remember that the plus points are mostly in fine detail. You must use manipulation to force the other person to do what you say, or to impose your thoughts. Everything from appearance to attitude, speech and body language is important. Constantly try new techniques that you research on the internet. Because every time you try something new, you will improve yourself and take your social engineering technique to the next level. As long as your method is good, you can get information from your victim smoothly. The most important point is to improve your mind. It reduces the likelihood that you will make mistakes when improvising in the face of situations that you encounter unprepared. Another benefit is that it allows you to make more perfect plans when thinking about how you can approach your victim.


A social engineer always takes the action that is most profitable in the case. Always develop yourself and your mind to be able to do these things. Don't forget to use small details and manipulation on your way to your destination. Train constantly. Because you will correct your missing parts and perfect your plan every time.

Thanks for reading!
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