Social Engineering Quick Tips - 1


Katılımcı Üye
21 Eki 2015
Social Engineering Quick Tips


I will provide useful information that may be helpful for you.

You should know yourself better. Don’t talk about your true self too much. If you do that, you are vulnerable to attacks that coming from others.
Also, you need to watch others move that trying to SE you.


Right down your weaknesses. Study them and learn to defend yourself. Find a credible answer to your every weakness. Study these so hard that it can sound like it's normal.

People have an authority in society. You can use this power of authority to your advantage. You can be a manager or have a reputable profession such as doctor, lawyer and teacher.

Everything has become very fast nowadays and people are trying very hard to keep up with that speed. They are busy with a lot of work and can’t pay full attention to what they do. You can turn this deficiency into an opportunity. If you mention an advertisement or product requested by the victim during busy working hours, it will be easier for them to jump to this idea without questioning.

Tip: Women have proven success in social engineering. They start one step further.

It would be beneficial to animate the scenario beforehand without doing social engineering. But when you portray, always imagine someone at your level. You can't imagine someone greater than yourself, but don’t think of anyone lower than yourself. Because you do not know what kind of person you will encounter. If someone at your level comes across, you will be caught off guard. This can turn things around.


Always focus on your own deficients and try to close your deficients.
Use the environment to your advantage. The authority power and the situation of the other person can make your job easier.
The more you prepare, the easier your job becomes.

Thanks for reading this subject.
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