Summary About Cyber Security


15 Kas 2020
Cyber ​​security; is the practice of protecting systems, networks and programs against digital attacks. These cyberattacks generally aim to access, alter, destroy sensitive information, withdraw money from users or interrupt normal business processes.

Effective cybersecurity measures are particularly difficult to implement nowadays because there are more devices than humans around us and attackers are becoming more innovative.


Cyber ​​security is an ever-changing field, with the development of technologies that open new avenues for cyber attacks. Also, although major security breaches are often announced, small organizations have to worry about security breaches as they can often be the target of viruses and phishing.

Organizations must constantly update their cyber security tools, risk management approaches, applied technologies as they change and evolve to protect employees and individuals.

Types of Cybersecurity Threats:

1-Malware; worms, computer viruses, Trojans, and spyware
3-Social Engineering

Cyber ​​Security Benefits:

Protection against malware, ransomware, phishing and social engineering,
Protection for data and networks,
Prevention of unauthorized users,
Increasing the recovery period after the violation,
Protection for end users,
More confidence in the product for both developers and customers.


As the cyber threat environment continues to grow, individuals with the necessary skills and awareness are needed in both hardware and software skills.

Chief information security officer (CISO): This person implements the security program across the organization and oversees the work of the IT security department.

Security engineer: This individual protects company assets from threats by focusing on quality control on IT assets.

Security architect: This individual is responsible for planning, analyzing, designing, testing, maintaining and supporting a business's critical infrastructure.

Security analyst: This individual has various responsibilities such as planning security measures and controls, protecting digital files, and conducting both internal and external security audits.

Be Careful Stay Safe

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