Top 10 Common Hacking Techniques You Should Know About


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7 Tem 2013
If you learn the methods, you can protect yourself better.

1. They can use virus or trojan. Virus or trojans are malicious software programs which gets installed into the victim’s system and keeps sending the victims data to the hacker. They can also lock your files, serve fraud advertisement, divert traffic, sniff your data, or spread on all the computers connected to your network.

2. The keylogger is sent. (This program saves each key pressed on the keyboard and delivers it to the related person via e-mail.)

3. Fake Mail is a stealing information method. For example they could send a fake instagram reset-password mail or (e-mail contents, site membership entries, information forms...) Besides, the virus or trojan can be added to the e-mail or a website link.

4.Security question. They can collect information about the victim and they can try to find the victim's security question.

5.If they find your facebook password, they try it on other social media platforms. Because people often use the same password.

6. Using methods such as email, chat, or file sharing to learn the IP address. Even if the IP address is learned, the person whose password will be stolen must have some security vulnerabilities. Otherwise, the person's passwords cannot be stolen or the computer cannot be hijacked using the IP address.

7.They can create a malicious website or program and send it to victim. This malicious thing could be a program, file, patch, setup, image etc.

8. If the IP address is known, all ports are checked with the help of the Scanner. They can try to enter the target computer with the help of the vulnerabilities of programs, exploits, or outdated services running on the ports.

9. If we are in an internet chat, female nick is a very valid technique. In Msn, on the forums or elsewhere, the targeted person is deceived by the nickname. Another similar method can work for the mails.

10. It is good to gain trust. But after combining patience and trust, it is up to the person to use this trust in a good or bad way. Nothing is as simple as getting the passwords of a person that you trust.

Translator DRose98
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