Top 10 Weirdest Programming Languages Part 2


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25 Eki 2015
rm -rf /
/// is a minimalist language that consists of only one operation – string substitution in the form /source/replacement/. It was invented by Tanner Swett in 2006. The language is very limited, but some clever programmers are able to turn the string substitution operation into fully working programs that loop and output data. Here is a simple “Hello, world!” program:

/ world! world!/Hello,/ world! world! world!
7) Befunge

Befunge is a two dimensional programming language. Your code is placed on play field with a fixed size. Each cell of the playfield can hold either code or data, and your program can replace any cell it wishes with either. The interpreter starts at the top-left cell and continues to the right. You can control the direction which the interpreter takes with special directional instructions. For example this is an infinite loop:

And this is a “Hello, world!”:

0"!dlroW ,olleH">:#,_@

8) Piet

Piet is a programming language in which programs are bitmaps which look like abstract paintings. The basic building block for Piet programs is the color block. It supports 20 distinct colors, with some implementations having support for more. The compilation is guided by a “pointer” that moves around the image, from one continuous colored region to the next. Here is a “Hello world!” program:

9) Malbolge

Malbolge is a programming language invented by Ben Olmstead in 1998, named after the eighth circle of hell in Dante’s Inferno. The name was not chosen randomly – the language was specifically designed to be impossible to write useful programs in. A few years after its introduction, weaknesses were found in the design which make it possible to write Malbolge programs. You still have to be a cryptography scientist to write a meaningful program in it, though. Here is what ‘Hello World!” looks like in Malbolge:


10) ~English

~English is a programming language that attempts to imitate natural sounding language. Its syntax is very loose to give the writer a greater freedom of expression. No functions can be defined by the programmer – he may only use the built-in ones. Here is an example program:
-rld!" and a newline.
Stop the program.
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