Tor’s Hammer – Slow POST Denial of Service Testing Tool


Kıdemli Üye
23 Eyl 2016
Tor’s Hammer is a slow post dos testing tool written in Python. It can also be run through the Tor network to be anonymized. If you are going to run it with Tor it assumes you are running Tor on Kills most unprotected web servers running Apache and IIS via a single instance. Kills Apache 1.X and older IIS with ~128 threads, newer IIS and Apache 2.X with ~256 threads.

First download torshammer script and save in your desktop.

Now untar the file using tar xvf torshammer.tar command.


How to use Tor’s Hammer

You can start it with ./


They already provide an example, but I will provide you another example simply for the context,

“./ -t Example Domain -r 50000 “, the larger the thread count, the more efficient and effective the attack.

-t|–target <Hostname|IP>

-r|–threads <Number of threads> Defaults to 256

-p|–port <Web Server Port> Defaults to 80

-T|–tor Enable anonymising through tor on

-h|–help shows this help
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