Usage of M.e.t.asploit


Özel Üye
3 Haz 2011
KKTC, Lapta
M.e.t.asploit security testing is one of the most important elements to backtrack.
With it you can take over a system and do what you want with it

To open M.e.t.asploit in backtrack you can use;

Applications/Backtrack/Exploitation Tools/Network Exploitation Tools/M.e.t.asploit Framework/msfconsole

Or you can type cd /pentest/exploits/framework3/ then ./msfconsole in the console

The more you use it the more you'll get used to the second one and it will become easier



As you can see when we type "?" in the backtrack msfconsole we get the basic commands of m.e.t.asploit which can be life-saving most of the time

now with a few basic commands lets enter m.e.t.asploit

to update the exploit database type "svn update" in the console if there are any updates you will be faced with the following image


in m.e.t.asploit all scripts are in specific order.

Exploit searching

Earlier we talked about getting the basic commands by using "?" and one of those commands are "search".

with this command if we have a specific target such as a vulnerable windows os the search will be;

msf> search windows

besides the listed exploits you can see their ranks and release dates. the fresher the exploit the less chance the os has to deal with it. The higher the rank the more results you get. İn the description you can see where the exploit attacks.

the exploits are used by;

"use exploit name"

You can use "show options" to see the properties of the exploit.

Translated from -
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