What does artificial intelligence bring, what will it lead to?


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9 Mar 2023
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Hello THT family today I appreciated the possible solutions of artificial intelligence for you
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The use of science, discoveries and inventions for evil purposes is not a new situation. Moreover, it is almost a rule. In other words, while we are concerned about the possible dangers of artificial intelligence, we should not forget the damage that natural intelligence has caused to humanity, all living beings and nature throughout history. Demonizing artificial intelligence is not enough to see natural intelligence as an angel of goodness.


Humanity is about to enter the most important, most effective and fastest change process in its history. at the beginning of the 18th century, the first industrial revolution began with the invention of steam engines, the increase in iron production, and the spread of railways. the development of steel production technique since the second half of the 19th century, the participation of electricity, petroleum and various chemicals in the production process has been defined as the second industrial revolution. Mass production was a typical feature of this period.

since 1970, very rapid developments in computer technology, telecommunications, robotics, laser, fiber optics and biogenetics, the spread of the Internet, the ease of access to information, the use of automation in many areas have been considered the third industrial revolution.

We are now on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 in another definition. The most important determinants of this revolution will be artificial intelligence, robotics and quantum computers.

The rapid progress of computer technology, the development of software, the introduction of automation and robot technology in almost every field have already changed the working methods and conditions a lot. The number of circuits placed on chips has doubled every 18 months in accordance with Moore's Law. It has increased two million times in forty years by following a geometric sequence. Nowadays, gigabyte-sized data is uploaded to a fingernail-wide USB card. Transistors have shrunk to nanoscale sizes. The development of classical computers has reached its physical limit. The next stage will be reached with the introduction of quantum computers into routine use. The processing speed and capacity will increase incomparably with today's computers. Artificial intelligence will demonstrate the main development using quantum big computers.


Artificial intelligence applications are already being used in many areas. Apple's voice assistant Siri software and Microsoft's voice assistant Cortana are examples of artificial intelligence. IBM's Deep Blue computer had already defeated the world chess champion Kasparov in 1997. Google's artificial intelligence algorithm Alpha Go beat the Chinese world champion Kei Je in the game of Go, which has a much higher probability of moves in chess. Now Go championships are organized between different artificial intelligence programs.Dec. IBM's Watson project is used in various fields of medicine.

Driverless cars are already on the roads. An artificial intelligence application using artificial neural networks that selects the most appropriate program according to the weight, color, and pollution of laundry in new generation washing machines.

These examples are the ones that are visible around. But there is no doubt that artificial intelligence, like many scientific inventions, was first used in the arms industry. Smart missiles, machine guns that can identify and fire their targets themselves, armed unmanned aerial vehicles and airplanes, unmanned tanks, warships that can determine their own routes, enter and exit ports on their own, robots programmed to kill are already ready.


Concerns about the possible dangers of artificial intelligence began to be expressed at a time when this concept was just being formed and studies were in their infancy. I . J. Good said in 1965, "If we build superintelligent systems, it could be the last invention of humanity." British physicist and computer scientist Stuart J. Russell is concerned that in the future, when information systems become even more intelligent, we will become much more dependent on their capabilities and we may see ourselves under the control of these systems.

Some IT experts predict that a system that can learn by itself, redesign itself with better hardware and better algorithms will accelerate its progress by showing a burst of intelligence and will move to a stage that the human species will not understand in a very short time.

Stephen Hawking said that the great development of robots and computers will eventually come to a point that threatens humanity. Bill Gates and Elon Musk are also among those who are concerned about artificial intelligence.Dec.

The use of science, discoveries and inventions for evil purposes is not a new situation. Moreover, it is almost a rule. In other words, while we are concerned about the possible dangers of artificial intelligence, we should not forget the damage that natural intelligence has caused to humanity, all living beings and nature throughout history. Demonizing artificial intelligence is not enough to see natural intelligence as an angel of goodness.

Let's remember that the Internet was born back in the 60s from the effort to create a communication network (ARPANET) that would never break Decently even under the worst conditions among all units of the US military. The power of gunpowder had immediately turned into the power of weapons. The missile technologies that allowed to go into space were the product of Nazi Germany's project to hit London with a weapon that could not be blocked, instead of fighter jets that could be shot down. After several unsuccessful attempts, they managed to hit London, albeit towards the end of the war.

Shortly after the discovery of the existence of a tremendous energy hidden in the atomic nucleus, the first application in which this information was put into practice was the atomic bomb, which will threaten the lives of all living things along with humanity. This amazing weapon was fired at a civilian target in Japan, which had already lost the war and surrendered, in order to intimidate the whole world, in the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. 140 thousand people were killed with a single bomb, without distinction between civilian and soldier, male and female, adult and child, and a city was destroyed at the same time. The records for killing the most people and causing the greatest property damage at one time have been broken. Abnormal births due to the late effects of radiation lasted for decades. Cancer cases are still continuing despite the fact that three and a quarter centuries have passed Dec.

The name of the bomb was also very cute: "little boy." Three days later, the second bomb nicknamed "fat boy" was dropped on the city of Nagasaki and 70 thousand people were killed. This event was considered a great achievement of science, it was met with appreciation and admiration. A development in physical science has changed the balances in the world. The United States has become the new ruler of the world by taking its enormous weapons power behind it.

Before laser technology started to be used in industry, it immediately came to mind to produce a deadly weapon. 20. At the beginning of the century, the first airplanes were used for bombing before they had even started carrying passengers. in 1911, an Italian military pilot dropped the first aerial bomb on the Ottoman soldiers in Tripoli. Although it could not do any damage, this event created a great enthusiasm in Italy. The first thing that came to the mind of the person who ascended to the sky was the idea of easily killing those on the ground.

The importance of artificial intelligence is that it has the potential to fundamentally change all areas of life. It is considered the largest scientific initiative in the history of humanity. Classical computers store large amounts of data and information, allowing rapid recall when requested, automation with certain programming methods. However, more than the data uploaded to the system cannot be output. Artificial intelligence means more. There is a system that can draw new conclusions from experiences and new data added, learn, predict, propose and produce solutions, and works in a similar way to the human brain. That is why neuroscience makes a great contribution to artificial intelligence studies. Interestingly, advances in artificial intelligence studies are also helping us to better understand the human brain. But human intelligence is not the only source of inspiration for the system. Animal behavior and the way nature works are also examined and evaluated.

There are many branches of science and different disciplines to which he applies. Such as computer science, mathematics, linguistics, biology, biogenetics, physics, chemistry, psychology, philosophy, robotics.

Artificial intelligence can already compose and paint, develop mathematical theory, make medical diagnoses, learn and teach, design airplane wings, forecast weather.

Computers had already acquired the senses of sight, hearing, touch. A lot of distance has also been taken in the studies aimed at distinguishing smells and tastes. The work of digitizing the five senses that humans have is about to be completed. It is expected that this technology will be able to fit into mobile phones in a short time. While sharing food photos on Facebook, the tastes and smells of food can also be sent. Thanks to this, friends will be more jealous, enemies will crack more violently. Natural language processing, translating between languages, Deciphering and Deciphering questions, lip reading, face and retina recognition, measuring distance with unflinching precision are among the routine tasks.


The widespread use of artificial intelligence and robots will make many professions unnecessary. Hundreds of millions of people around the world will lose their jobs. There will be no areas left that will not be affected. While automation reduces the need for manual labor, head labor will also transfer its function to artificial intelligence in many subjects.

The new wave of blue collar, which is coming, will transform the way they work without distinction from white collar. For example, it seems inevitable that crafts and craftsmen will disappear almost completely. With the development and spread of three-dimensional printers, the most complex tools and items will be able to be produced wherever desired. There will be little or no need for workers in factories. Stacking and loading tasks will be entrusted to robots. Cargo transportation will be entrusted to driverless vehicles. The construction will be carried out largely by robots.

Artificial intelligence applications will make bank employees completely redundant. There will also be no need for bank branches anyway. Unmanned banking will evolve into invisible banking. Call center employees will leave their places to the artificial intelligence program.


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