What is Adobe Color ? What is it preferred for? Detailed Explanation

What is Adobe Color?

Adobe Color is a service within Adobe Creative Cloud used to create and explore color palettes. It automatically helps you find compatible colors and supports creating color palettes for your designs.

How can I use Adobe Color?

Let's select the color scheme you're looking for from the top left. These options also help you explore different color combinations to achieve the desired style in your projects.

A brief overview of color schemes:

Similar Colors: Shows tones similar to our main color.
Complementary Colors: Shows the opposite color of our main color.
Triad Colors: Consists of three colors.
Monochromatic: Shows different shades around our selected main color.
Split Complementary Colors: Shows the opposite color of the main color and two colors close to it.
Double Split Complementary Colors: Shows the opposite color of the main color and two colors close to it, along with the opposite colors of these colors.
Square Colors: Consists of four colors.
Compound Colors: Consists of two opposite colors and two adjacent colors for each.
Shades: Shows the tones and shadows of our selected main color.
Custom Color Scheme: Shows a custom color palette consisting of colors you've prepared.


After selecting your color scheme, paste the hex code of your main color onto the hex code of the middle color.




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